I hurried inside only to find rows of tables, 2 waitresses and a display of cookies, but not a donut in site. Whats this I inquired, trying to keep from drooling on the counter in expectation of the tasty treat that I was sure would soon be forthcoming. One please, no two, better make it 3 dozen donuts please.
To my dismay I was informed that there were in fact no Donuts in the building. I could however place an order and have some delivered the next day.
This was not the instant gratification I was looking for. I briefly contemplated a world where one would place orders for every item desired to be delivered later. No I decided this was not a world I wished to be a part of.
Cookies it seemed would be today's treat. Quickly scanning the menu I located the price for the chocolate chip sweets. One dozen cookies for $4.99 or $.50 each. So be it. One dozen cookies please. Only 11 here mister, I was informed by the girl who seemed insensitive to my plight.
Soon all eleven cookies were bagged and I recieved my bill for $5.50.
Life is tough.